Plant & Line Simulation Modelling
Using our many years of experience and knowledge of how a production line should run efficiently, we have developed an accurate real-time production line simulation model, which adheres to the specific requirements of the food & drink manufacturing industries.
Our tried and tested system takes into account every aspect of a production line, for instance...'mean time between failure' figures (MBTF), 'mean time to repair' figures (MTTR), machine efficiencies, conveyor lengths & speeds, even personnel levels. All these figures can be actual production line data or theoretical values for trial purposes. MTBF and MTTR times are randomised during a simulation run to reflect more of a 'real world' scenario. Machine availability & downtime can also be accounted for, for example product change-over times, label changes, container size changes etc. With all of this actual data, the simulation model can be run in real-time or at any speed, to simulate a day's production run in just 5 minutes. Production schedules can also be incorporated, based on a spreadsheet, this can be imported into the model and run.
A demonstration at our offices can be arranged.
For further information and to discuss your specific requirements, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Isoma plant & line simulation modelling

Isoma plant & line simulation modelling

Isoma plant & line simulation modelling

Isoma plant & line simulation modelling